Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yeah!! All summer long Maddy's two front teeth have been sort of loose. All of her friends keep losing teeth but hers were going nowhere. I tried to tell her to leave them alone because if they fall out, everyone will wonder if she has lost her top four. Ha Ha! Well she kept working on them all summer long and last night her hand slipped and that tooth was just hanging on by a thread. I tried to get in there but she wouldn't let me touch it. Finally Kevin comes home and I'm thinking, this thing is coming out. He pulls out a string, ties it around and yanks!! Holy Cow! She screamed and screamed and still that tooth hung on. We finally gave up told her to keep wiggling it. At 11:45, her and I were up talking and she was so worried she would swallow it during the night. We pulled out the orajel and before long she had it. She is so excited to start 2nd grade with a missing tooth. The tooth fairy brought her $5.oo for being so brave. Go Maddy!!


Matt, Emily & Dylan said...

YAY!!!!! I'm so proud of her! She finally got it! She has been so proud of those loose teeth forever! Love you all!!

Darcie said...

Wow she has very nice eye lashes. Her tooth fairy must be rich. I need to start loosing teeth :-)